
Fruitmarket Artists’BookMarket 2025 poster
January 2025:
Pleased to announce that c.simonis and I will once again be participating in the Artists’ BookMarket at the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh this February! I think this is the 13th time I have been participating and it is my favourite book fair. There are many amazing book artists participating and a great programme of talks and workshops. Come and say hi on the weekend of the 15th & 16th February, 2025!
In other news I’ve been working with Texlab Liège on some textile piece prototypes. This is part-funded by Wallonie Design and I’m looking forward to sharing more about it in the future.
Another exciting thing getting going this year is my printmaking studio with c.simonis. We have moved our risograph machine into our new basement studio, and from this spring onwards we will be holding workshops there. Head over to to join our mailing list and find out more!
Pleased to announce that c.simonis and I will once again be participating in the Artists’ BookMarket at the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh this February! I think this is the 13th time I have been participating and it is my favourite book fair. There are many amazing book artists participating and a great programme of talks and workshops. Come and say hi on the weekend of the 15th & 16th February, 2025!
In other news I’ve been working with Texlab Liège on some textile piece prototypes. This is part-funded by Wallonie Design and I’m looking forward to sharing more about it in the future.
Another exciting thing getting going this year is my printmaking studio with c.simonis. We have moved our risograph machine into our new basement studio, and from this spring onwards we will be holding workshops there. Head over to to join our mailing list and find out more!
December 2024:
A big thank you to everyone who came to see me and c.simonis at Thought Bubble comic convention in Harrogate again, on November 16th & 17th. This was our third Thought Bubble and better than ever!
Next up is les Fugueurs du Livre on Nov 30th / Dec 1st. This small press & independent publishing fair is organised by my favourite bookshop in Liège le Comptoir du Livre, and will be hosted for the first time in the amazing new B3 central public library in Liège. We’re exhibiting as riso des bois (watch out for our handmade banner!) and there’s an accompanying programme of talks and events, including a tour of the B3 concluding with a talk with us about the pieces of ours they have in their collection.
The weekend after that, December 7th & 8th, we’re at the first ever print fair accompanying the long-standing printmaking festival Triennale de la Gravure! It will take place in the Boverie gallery in the afternoons only, so don’t miss it!
In other news, I also have a new stockist: Brock’n’Roll in la Louvière, a beautiful gallery & shop with a lovely collection of original prints and crafts by independent makers, not far from printmaking museum Centre de la Gravure. Well worth a visit.
Have a great end of the year and all the best for 2025!
A big thank you to everyone who came to see me and c.simonis at Thought Bubble comic convention in Harrogate again, on November 16th & 17th. This was our third Thought Bubble and better than ever!
Next up is les Fugueurs du Livre on Nov 30th / Dec 1st. This small press & independent publishing fair is organised by my favourite bookshop in Liège le Comptoir du Livre, and will be hosted for the first time in the amazing new B3 central public library in Liège. We’re exhibiting as riso des bois (watch out for our handmade banner!) and there’s an accompanying programme of talks and events, including a tour of the B3 concluding with a talk with us about the pieces of ours they have in their collection.
The weekend after that, December 7th & 8th, we’re at the first ever print fair accompanying the long-standing printmaking festival Triennale de la Gravure! It will take place in the Boverie gallery in the afternoons only, so don’t miss it!
In other news, I also have a new stockist: Brock’n’Roll in la Louvière, a beautiful gallery & shop with a lovely collection of original prints and crafts by independent makers, not far from printmaking museum Centre de la Gravure. Well worth a visit.
Have a great end of the year and all the best for 2025!

September 2024:
Hello! Come and say hi at the Bords Perdus festival in Bruxelles, Belgium, where I’ll be at the riso des bois stand with faithful palladin c.simonis! It’s a festival of small press, illustration, comics & micropublication organised by screenprinting studio IceScreen, and will be held at:
LaVallée, Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Bruxelles, Belgium
Friday September 6th: 17h - 22h
Saturday September 7th: 13h - 21h
Sunday September 8th: 13h à 19h
As we move into autumn, next up will be Thought Bubble in Harrogate, UK, November 16th - 17th.
Hello! Come and say hi at the Bords Perdus festival in Bruxelles, Belgium, where I’ll be at the riso des bois stand with faithful palladin c.simonis! It’s a festival of small press, illustration, comics & micropublication organised by screenprinting studio IceScreen, and will be held at:
LaVallée, Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Bruxelles, Belgium
Friday September 6th: 17h - 22h
Saturday September 7th: 13h - 21h
Sunday September 8th: 13h à 19h
As we move into autumn, next up will be Thought Bubble in Harrogate, UK, November 16th - 17th.
July 2024:
Next stop Austria! My next exhibition is Prints from the Country at Druckwerk Lustenau with césimonis. We’re really happy to be able to show our rurally inspired riso work there.
We were very lucky to be recipients of a SOFAM double bursary some months ago, to make a series of images to celebrate the opening of our riso studio riso des bois and its rural location. After our move to the Belgian countryside we noticed the influence rural life had on our work: our animals and plant neighbours both wild and domesticated, the changing seasons, the migrating birds. Being both artists who had spent our childhoods in the countryside but then moved to big cities to study and build our art careers, we noticed that much of the cultural offer is produced in and for urban surroundings and it is the urban viewpoint that is predominant, even when speaking of the countryside.
With the double bursary from SOFAM we were able to produce a special portfolio of four prints each in an edition of 25, to be distributed among our neighbours.
The launch of this project and portfolio was our opening at le Comptoir du Livre in May, but the prints and the rural spirit of our riso work will be in evidence at our exhibition at Druckwerk in the beautiful Vorarlberg region of Austria. The exhibition runs there from July 5th to October.
Next stop Austria! My next exhibition is Prints from the Country at Druckwerk Lustenau with césimonis. We’re really happy to be able to show our rurally inspired riso work there.
We were very lucky to be recipients of a SOFAM double bursary some months ago, to make a series of images to celebrate the opening of our riso studio riso des bois and its rural location. After our move to the Belgian countryside we noticed the influence rural life had on our work: our animals and plant neighbours both wild and domesticated, the changing seasons, the migrating birds. Being both artists who had spent our childhoods in the countryside but then moved to big cities to study and build our art careers, we noticed that much of the cultural offer is produced in and for urban surroundings and it is the urban viewpoint that is predominant, even when speaking of the countryside.
With the double bursary from SOFAM we were able to produce a special portfolio of four prints each in an edition of 25, to be distributed among our neighbours.
The launch of this project and portfolio was our opening at le Comptoir du Livre in May, but the prints and the rural spirit of our riso work will be in evidence at our exhibition at Druckwerk in the beautiful Vorarlberg region of Austria. The exhibition runs there from July 5th to October.

June 2024:
I’m extremely happy to be currently showing my work at le Comptoir du Livre, Liège, in a joint exhibition with Cé Simonis. The exhibition is called Riso des Bois, after our risograph studio. We were invited to show it as part of the Festival Écopoétique which ran from May 22nd - May 26th, and our exhibition will be up until the end of the month. The theme is very fitting for our rurally inspired work, which is mostly risograph prints and artist books. I am showing my Winterspring and Summerfall artist books and prints, as well as a series of screenprints that I call the “Forest Series”.
This body of work was created some years ago in Edinburgh for a project that for various reasons did not happen, so now these screenprints are finally being presented to the public. They all show a mix of trees, animals and plant details in various constellations. There are four sizes of print: “Big Forest” on a full Zerkall sheet at 65 x 77 cm, “Forest Creatures” at 45 x 38 cm, “Tiny Forest” with trees only at 38 x 19.5 cm, and “Found in the Forest” with only creatures and forest details like berries and mushrooms or individual leaves, at 19 x 16cm. Each is a varied edition, with the trees and creatures printed one at a time in different constellations. No print is the same as another, each one is unique.
This was the last project I screenprinted (for now!), and I can already see now how I was anticipating my current practice of making stamps and rearranging individual characters in different works.
All the prints are for sale, you can buy them in the shop at le Comptoir du Livre, or contact me directly.
I’m extremely happy to be currently showing my work at le Comptoir du Livre, Liège, in a joint exhibition with Cé Simonis. The exhibition is called Riso des Bois, after our risograph studio. We were invited to show it as part of the Festival Écopoétique which ran from May 22nd - May 26th, and our exhibition will be up until the end of the month. The theme is very fitting for our rurally inspired work, which is mostly risograph prints and artist books. I am showing my Winterspring and Summerfall artist books and prints, as well as a series of screenprints that I call the “Forest Series”.
This body of work was created some years ago in Edinburgh for a project that for various reasons did not happen, so now these screenprints are finally being presented to the public. They all show a mix of trees, animals and plant details in various constellations. There are four sizes of print: “Big Forest” on a full Zerkall sheet at 65 x 77 cm, “Forest Creatures” at 45 x 38 cm, “Tiny Forest” with trees only at 38 x 19.5 cm, and “Found in the Forest” with only creatures and forest details like berries and mushrooms or individual leaves, at 19 x 16cm. Each is a varied edition, with the trees and creatures printed one at a time in different constellations. No print is the same as another, each one is unique.
This was the last project I screenprinted (for now!), and I can already see now how I was anticipating my current practice of making stamps and rearranging individual characters in different works.
All the prints are for sale, you can buy them in the shop at le Comptoir du Livre, or contact me directly.
January 2024:
Happy new year! Pleased to announce that I will be at the Artists’BookMarket at the Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, again this year, February 10th & 11th 2024, sharing a table with césimonis. Come and see my new zine Moth Disco which was a great hit at Christmas Markets, and there might be something even newer...
This year looks to be an exciting one for artists in Belgium with the new legal frameworks coming into effect. In the meantime, here are some upcoming confirmed shows:
April 27/28 2024: I will also be tabling with césimonis at the biennial comic festival in Liège, Festival BD International de Province de Liège, in Outremeuse.
May 23rd 2024: Cé and I will also be excited to present you with our work made with generous funding from SOFAM at an exhibition during the festival of ecopoetry at le Comptoir du Livre in Liège.
July 5th 2024: We’ll also be having a joint exhibition at Druckwerk Lustenau, Austria, running until October.
Keep checking back for more confirmed fairs and exhibitions! I’ll also be announcing them on instagram︎︎︎
Happy new year! Pleased to announce that I will be at the Artists’BookMarket at the Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, again this year, February 10th & 11th 2024, sharing a table with césimonis. Come and see my new zine Moth Disco which was a great hit at Christmas Markets, and there might be something even newer...
This year looks to be an exciting one for artists in Belgium with the new legal frameworks coming into effect. In the meantime, here are some upcoming confirmed shows:
April 27/28 2024: I will also be tabling with césimonis at the biennial comic festival in Liège, Festival BD International de Province de Liège, in Outremeuse.
May 23rd 2024: Cé and I will also be excited to present you with our work made with generous funding from SOFAM at an exhibition during the festival of ecopoetry at le Comptoir du Livre in Liège.
July 5th 2024: We’ll also be having a joint exhibition at Druckwerk Lustenau, Austria, running until October.
Keep checking back for more confirmed fairs and exhibitions! I’ll also be announcing them on instagram︎︎︎

December 2023:
Thank you everyone who came to see me and césimonis at Thought Bubble in November. We had a really amazing time, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.
Here is a list of fairs I will be participating at this month - hope to see you there!
2/3 December: Fugueurs du Livre: salon de la petite édition, Grand Curtius, Féronstrée 156, 4000 Liège. Saturday 12 - 18h, Sunday 10h - 17h
9 December: Illustrators’ Festive Fair, Granary Square, King’s Cross, London N1C. Saturday 11h-17h
16/17 December: Marché Nowell Riquiqui, Barricade & Libraire Entre-Temps, rue Pierreuse 15, 4000 Liège
If you can’t make it, there are of course my wonderful stockists Moirés Brussels, le Comptoir du Livre, the Red Door Gallery and Typewronger where you can find your last minute christmas gifts, and my online shop is of course also open during all this time - some things are on special offer!
Have a great advent season!
Thank you everyone who came to see me and césimonis at Thought Bubble in November. We had a really amazing time, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.
Here is a list of fairs I will be participating at this month - hope to see you there!
2/3 December: Fugueurs du Livre: salon de la petite édition, Grand Curtius, Féronstrée 156, 4000 Liège. Saturday 12 - 18h, Sunday 10h - 17h
9 December: Illustrators’ Festive Fair, Granary Square, King’s Cross, London N1C. Saturday 11h-17h
16/17 December: Marché Nowell Riquiqui, Barricade & Libraire Entre-Temps, rue Pierreuse 15, 4000 Liège
If you can’t make it, there are of course my wonderful stockists Moirés Brussels, le Comptoir du Livre, the Red Door Gallery and Typewronger where you can find your last minute christmas gifts, and my online shop is of course also open during all this time - some things are on special offer!
Have a great advent season!
October 2023:
My hand-carved stamps have made it into Uppercase Magazine, issue 59! Thank you Janine for selecting my work. The Fire Dance print is already sold out, but the Red Squirrel is still to be found in my online shop︎︎︎.
Earlier this year césimonis and I were pleased to present our risograph printing studio riso des bois at the Cultivarium in Liège, alongside bookbinder Hélice Atelier, as part of the Parcours d’Artisans organised by the city of Liège, showcasing local artisans and makers. We’ll also be at the Pitch Café organised by the Comptoir des Ressources Créatives in Liège on October 24th, come and say hi and hear what it’s all about!
We also shared a stall at the 3rd brocante de l’illustration in Bruxelles, organised by Ton Piquant. It was even busier and better than last year, we met so many nice folks!
The next fair I’ll be at will be Thought Bubble in Harrogate, November 11th/12th. We had such a great time last year and I can’t wait to reconnect with so many old friends in the UK. See you there!
My hand-carved stamps have made it into Uppercase Magazine, issue 59! Thank you Janine for selecting my work. The Fire Dance print is already sold out, but the Red Squirrel is still to be found in my online shop︎︎︎.
Earlier this year césimonis and I were pleased to present our risograph printing studio riso des bois at the Cultivarium in Liège, alongside bookbinder Hélice Atelier, as part of the Parcours d’Artisans organised by the city of Liège, showcasing local artisans and makers. We’ll also be at the Pitch Café organised by the Comptoir des Ressources Créatives in Liège on October 24th, come and say hi and hear what it’s all about!
We also shared a stall at the 3rd brocante de l’illustration in Bruxelles, organised by Ton Piquant. It was even busier and better than last year, we met so many nice folks!
The next fair I’ll be at will be Thought Bubble in Harrogate, November 11th/12th. We had such a great time last year and I can’t wait to reconnect with so many old friends in the UK. See you there!

July 2023:
I hope you’re having a great summer! I’m really pleased to announce two new stockists where you can get some of my work: Silver Sprocket, a San Francisco based publisher, gallery, and retail shop championing socially conscious and indie comics and zines, and Le Comptoir du Livre in Liège, which is a really special bookshop dedicated entirely to small publishers and artist books, with an exhibition space and residency programme. I’m really happy to be represented there!
Earlier in June césimonis and I formally launched our risograph studio riso des bois. We’re offering riso printing services to artists, illustrators and designers and anyone else interested, so head over to our website to check all our lovely colours and prices!
We also also had great fun at le Marché des Créateur.ices at la Zone in Liège, it was really busy and well-organised and we met lots of lovely folks. Next week we’ll be heading to London for the Illustrator’s Fair in King’s Cross, and I can’t wait to be back in London and meeting loads of cool illustrators who I’ve been following online!
I hope you’re having a great summer! I’m really pleased to announce two new stockists where you can get some of my work: Silver Sprocket, a San Francisco based publisher, gallery, and retail shop championing socially conscious and indie comics and zines, and Le Comptoir du Livre in Liège, which is a really special bookshop dedicated entirely to small publishers and artist books, with an exhibition space and residency programme. I’m really happy to be represented there!
Earlier in June césimonis and I formally launched our risograph studio riso des bois. We’re offering riso printing services to artists, illustrators and designers and anyone else interested, so head over to our website to check all our lovely colours and prices!
We also also had great fun at le Marché des Créateur.ices at la Zone in Liège, it was really busy and well-organised and we met lots of lovely folks. Next week we’ll be heading to London for the Illustrator’s Fair in King’s Cross, and I can’t wait to be back in London and meeting loads of cool illustrators who I’ve been following online!
March 2023:
Well into spring now, I uploaded some new work to the website: my new art zine Winterspring and a varied edition of A5 riso prints, Little Carnival.
Both these works build on my new explorations with hand-carved stamps and combine with the risograph printing technology to make vivid, varied and lively images. I have been hand-carving rubber stamps for a while now, but over the winter I really explored more and created a whole set of characters that I can combine and use in many varied situations - prints and zines, but also in the future maybe a whole range of merchandise such as mugs, tea towel, t-shirts... what would you like to see?
So far this spring I’ve been to the Artist’s Bookmarket at the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh, UK. Cé Simonis and I have been regular participants at this fair for years now and it is always a joy to meet old friends and stay in a city I love so much.
In March we also went to Luzern, to Fumetto Festival in Luzern, Switzerland, and it was fantastic to meet many new colleagues from around Europe.
Now I am back in my studio in the Belgian Ardennes, and busy with a new risograph project with Cé Simonis, supported with a generous grant from SOFAM. I’m excited to share more news about that in the near future!
Well into spring now, I uploaded some new work to the website: my new art zine Winterspring and a varied edition of A5 riso prints, Little Carnival.
Both these works build on my new explorations with hand-carved stamps and combine with the risograph printing technology to make vivid, varied and lively images. I have been hand-carving rubber stamps for a while now, but over the winter I really explored more and created a whole set of characters that I can combine and use in many varied situations - prints and zines, but also in the future maybe a whole range of merchandise such as mugs, tea towel, t-shirts... what would you like to see?
So far this spring I’ve been to the Artist’s Bookmarket at the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh, UK. Cé Simonis and I have been regular participants at this fair for years now and it is always a joy to meet old friends and stay in a city I love so much.
In March we also went to Luzern, to Fumetto Festival in Luzern, Switzerland, and it was fantastic to meet many new colleagues from around Europe.
Now I am back in my studio in the Belgian Ardennes, and busy with a new risograph project with Cé Simonis, supported with a generous grant from SOFAM. I’m excited to share more news about that in the near future!

November 2022:
The busy season starts! Come and say hi!
12 & 13 November: Thought Bubble Festival in Harrogate, UK
18, 19, 20 November: ArtBook Berlin, Germany
2, 3, 4 December: Mauvais Caractère, Bonnes Résolutions by IceScreen Sérigraphie, illustration and indie book fair in Bruxelles, Belgium
(72 rue Coenraets 1060 Saint-Gilles)
10, 11 December: Le Grand Marché de Noël
by fais-le-toi-même, Bruxelles, Belgium
(Quincaillerie Van Der Eycken, Rue du Viaduc 66, Ixelles 1050)
I’ll be at all of these fairs with the wonderful Cé Simonis, and in Berlin we’ll be joined by Mina Braun. We’ll be showing you the calendar we made with Anupa Gardner so you can get excited about 2023!
This has been a really interesting and fun year for me as I have been developing my illustration and making new contacts in a new country. I’m so happy to be able to share this work with you in person at the above fairs. You can of course also get my work at the lovely Red Door Gallery in Edinburgh and the fabulous Moirés in Brussels, as well as in my online shop.
Have a lovely end of the year!
The busy season starts! Come and say hi!
12 & 13 November: Thought Bubble Festival in Harrogate, UK
18, 19, 20 November: ArtBook Berlin, Germany
2, 3, 4 December: Mauvais Caractère, Bonnes Résolutions by IceScreen Sérigraphie, illustration and indie book fair in Bruxelles, Belgium
(72 rue Coenraets 1060 Saint-Gilles)
10, 11 December: Le Grand Marché de Noël
by fais-le-toi-même, Bruxelles, Belgium
(Quincaillerie Van Der Eycken, Rue du Viaduc 66, Ixelles 1050)
I’ll be at all of these fairs with the wonderful Cé Simonis, and in Berlin we’ll be joined by Mina Braun. We’ll be showing you the calendar we made with Anupa Gardner so you can get excited about 2023!
This has been a really interesting and fun year for me as I have been developing my illustration and making new contacts in a new country. I’m so happy to be able to share this work with you in person at the above fairs. You can of course also get my work at the lovely Red Door Gallery in Edinburgh and the fabulous Moirés in Brussels, as well as in my online shop.
Have a lovely end of the year!
September 2022:
Hi! A lot of things have been happening since the last update. I’m pleased to say my work is now available at the lovely colourful Moirés shop in Brussels - you can get some of my cards and miniprints there as well as browse lots of gorgeous work by fellow illustrators and makers from Belgium, and go wild on all your stationery needs.
In the meantime, partner Cé Simonis and I have been working together with dear friends and former colleagues Anupa Gardner and Mina Braun on a 2023 illustrated riso calendar! We’re printing it together on our machine MsMenzies (you can follow her exploits on Instagram). Both artists came to visit - Anupa from Edinburgh and Mina from Berlin - and we had great fun printing the pages and working on the cover design. 2023 is going to look wild and beautiful! Stay tuned for updates as we finish printing and binding…
Another exciting upcoming event is the Brocante de l’Illustration, happening in Brussels on 18.09.2022 in the Rue de la Tulipe / Tulpstraat. It’s a great illustrator’s street market organised by the collective Ton Piquant (whose studios are in that street). About 65 illustrators will be selling their wares at stalls all along the street on this car-free-Sunday, and I am really excited to be taking part with Cé Simonis. We’ll be selling lots of riso prints, zines, badges - and that 2023 riso calendar too! Pray for good weather, and come and say hi!
Hi! A lot of things have been happening since the last update. I’m pleased to say my work is now available at the lovely colourful Moirés shop in Brussels - you can get some of my cards and miniprints there as well as browse lots of gorgeous work by fellow illustrators and makers from Belgium, and go wild on all your stationery needs.
In the meantime, partner Cé Simonis and I have been working together with dear friends and former colleagues Anupa Gardner and Mina Braun on a 2023 illustrated riso calendar! We’re printing it together on our machine MsMenzies (you can follow her exploits on Instagram). Both artists came to visit - Anupa from Edinburgh and Mina from Berlin - and we had great fun printing the pages and working on the cover design. 2023 is going to look wild and beautiful! Stay tuned for updates as we finish printing and binding…
Another exciting upcoming event is the Brocante de l’Illustration, happening in Brussels on 18.09.2022 in the Rue de la Tulipe / Tulpstraat. It’s a great illustrator’s street market organised by the collective Ton Piquant (whose studios are in that street). About 65 illustrators will be selling their wares at stalls all along the street on this car-free-Sunday, and I am really excited to be taking part with Cé Simonis. We’ll be selling lots of riso prints, zines, badges - and that 2023 riso calendar too! Pray for good weather, and come and say hi!
May 2022:
It has been a busy spring! In May I was at the Artists’ BookMarket in Edinburgh, run by the Fruitmarket Gallery. I was sharing a stall with Cé Simonis and we had such a brilliant time! It was wonderful to meet folks in real life again and catch up with friends in Scotland.
Now I am back in Belgium, and busy getting stuck into a load of new work (and my garden!) You can see new prints here on my website, and take a look at my new art zine, The Breeze at Dawn. It is of course available in my online shop, as well as at my UK stockists the Red Door Gallery and Typewronger Books in Edinburgh.
I sold out of the art zine Many Monsters and I will be printing a second edition of that shortly, with slightly different colours. Watch this space!
It has been a busy spring! In May I was at the Artists’ BookMarket in Edinburgh, run by the Fruitmarket Gallery. I was sharing a stall with Cé Simonis and we had such a brilliant time! It was wonderful to meet folks in real life again and catch up with friends in Scotland.
Now I am back in Belgium, and busy getting stuck into a load of new work (and my garden!) You can see new prints here on my website, and take a look at my new art zine, The Breeze at Dawn. It is of course available in my online shop, as well as at my UK stockists the Red Door Gallery and Typewronger Books in Edinburgh.
I sold out of the art zine Many Monsters and I will be printing a second edition of that shortly, with slightly different colours. Watch this space!
March 2022:
Hello, and welcome to my newly updated website! I hope you find it simple and easy to navigate.
Earlier this year I was really excited to be commissioned to design a tour poster for This is the Kit. You can see it on this website. It was risograph printed by Duplikat Press in London, and is available as a limited edition print at the UK tour happening right now!
While I work on some new card designs and other exciting collaborative projects, I’m also really excited to be visiting the Children’s Book Fair in Bologna. It’s such an exciting place, full of amazing illustration, and I am really happy to be travelling to Italy again. Do get in touch if you’re going to be there too!
Hello, and welcome to my newly updated website! I hope you find it simple and easy to navigate.
Earlier this year I was really excited to be commissioned to design a tour poster for This is the Kit. You can see it on this website. It was risograph printed by Duplikat Press in London, and is available as a limited edition print at the UK tour happening right now!
While I work on some new card designs and other exciting collaborative projects, I’m also really excited to be visiting the Children’s Book Fair in Bologna. It’s such an exciting place, full of amazing illustration, and I am really happy to be travelling to Italy again. Do get in touch if you’re going to be there too!